
Lynher Hatchery update

The hatchery figures for 2024 are as follows:


  • 08/12        4,500 9.5

  • 13/12         7840 9.9

  • 13/12         6160 9.9

  • 17/12         5540 10.2

  • 28/12       5720 10.1

  • 18/01       10,240 4.0

  • 25/01        12,480 9.8

  • 31/01       7,650 6.5

Total stripped……………….60,130
Average hatching time 65 days at average chilled temperature of 6.8 degrees.

Approximately 30,000 were put into artificial redds in streams and main river and the balance into two incubation boxes in two separate tanks. These have hatched and are being fed by 24hour clockwork feeders . Approximate attrition rate 5,500 . Actual figures on request.

One large hen fish gave 12,480 eggs which was a record for us. All broodstock went back into the river in good condition , in fact one fish had a patch of disease which on release had healed completely.

Lynher Hatchery update

An integral part of the River Lynher Association’s mandate is the Lynher River Salmon Hatchery.  Salmon stocks throughout the British Isles are in steep decline and to that end the Lynher River Association started a salmon hatchery programme nearly twenty years ago, starting with a simple egg box programme at Newton Ferrers progressing to a purpose built hatchery at Bicton Mill.     

A steep learning curve has brought us to the point where the hatchery is now very successful.  The recent fry survey shows there is an abundance of juvenile salmon fry in the river and anecdotal and comparative evidence shows that we are at least holding our own with numbers.  

 Although the hatchery itself is not a silver bullet, it is part of the holistic attitude we have towards halting the decline of salmon and sea trout in our precious river.  The success of the hatchery is entirely due to the work and enthusiasm of our volunteers with special thanks to Graham Hake who has been a stalwart of the hatchery from the very beginning.